Altar Serving at Holy Family is a dedicated service provided by young men ages 10 through 18. Altar Servers serve at all Masses and assist at Funerals and Weddings as well. The program has a system of ranks, abides by a traditional uniform, and has created a community of faithful young men and many vocations in our Parish.
If you are interested in joining the program, please contact Joe McDonald at [email protected] or David Norton at [email protected].
The First Rank: LEAD and TORCH
A LEAD processes in and out with the priest.
A TORCH processes in and out and additionally stands in front of the ambo during the Gospel, as well as the altar throughout the Consecration and communion. There are up to 6 Torches at each Mass.
The Second Rank: BOOK and CROSS
The BOOK holds the lectionary for Father and processes in and out with the lectionary.
The CROSS carries the cross and leads the procession in and out.
The Third Rank: MAIN
There are two MAINS who assist Father during Mass. They are seated on either side of Father and assist at the Offertory, the Consecration, and with the Patens during Communion.
The Fourth Rank: THURIFER and BOAT
The THURIFER carries the Thurible and assists with the incensing throughout the Mass. The BOAT assists the THURIFER by handling the Incense in the Boat.
The MC sets up the servers before Mass, determines which role will be performed by whom, assists with the incesnsing during Mass, and closely assists the Priest throughout the Mass.
By returning to more demanding Altar Serving practices, two men were able to increase participation in the altar server program at Holy Family from 10 to more than 80.
Bob Spinharney and Mark Rode, parishioners at Holy Family, wanted to see more boys actively involved in the Mass. They felt that being an altar server could help boys participate more fully and possibly discern a priestly vocation. Both men had served in all-boy altar server programs as boys and remembered the experience with fondness. They wanted to share this experience with the boys at Holy Family.
In 2000, Bob and Mark approached then-pastor Father Dufner and shared their vision with him. They proposed making the program for boys only, believing this change would increase their participation in the program. Father Dufner agreed. Next, they worked on creating a more reverent uniform by using cassocks and surpluses and by purchasing uniform footwear. Finally, Bob and Mark trained the boys in the traditional role of altar servers. They instituted titles and a system of ranks, which made the program more challenging and appealing. With all these guidelines, the program has grown tremendously.
The boys at the parish respond well to the all-boy atmosphere. It has allowed them to spend time with the Parish's Pastor, both during training and outside of Mass at numerous programs and activities such as bowling, fishing, and hunting. The boys have been motivated by the hierarchy of ranks, along with the program's high standards of order and discipline. Boys may start the program at age 10 and leave at their High School graduation.